Camping Safely with Pets
Warm weather is here, and many of us are heading outside. Here are some practical tips from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center you can share with clients or on social media to help pet owners keep their animals safe.
Before Leaving
- Make sure you've prepared – and brought – your pet first-aid kit, since many campsites are remote and won't have quick access to veterinary care. The APCC often receives calls from campers where emesis should be induced in their animals – but the nearest store with peroxide is hours away.
- Locate the closest animal emergency room and program its phone number into your phone. Having the APCC number – 888.426.4435 – in your contact list can't hurt either!
- Make sure pets have proper ID on their collars – and consider a reflective collar for pets who are out in a campsite at night.
- Before taking out a camper, be sure to remove any rat poison, mothballs, or antifreeze in the toilets.
Upon Arrival
- Pet-proof the area. Before letting your pet out, thoroughly inspect the area to make sure other campers haven't left anything behind.
- Don't let pets roam. The APCC gets a lot of calls from people whose pets find rodenticides at other campsites. Additionally, other well-meaning campers may accidentally "treat" the pet to a toxic food.
- Bring any medications pets need, and remember that because of the close quarters the chance of pets getting into medication is more likely. Ensure that the medications are in a childproof container and locked away safely.
We have lots more on this subject:
Toxicology & Poison Control