Pet Poison Prevention Infographics and Resources
March is National Poison Prevention month, which helps increase awareness of the dangers of poisoning. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) is here to provide support 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
We are dedicated to giving you a multitude of resources that can help educate your clients and serve as valuable tools for you and your staff. So here are some easy guides, infographics, and web articles to help protect our unknowing pets from common household items that may be toxic to them.
Share these quick and easy reference tools and web articles to help protect pets from common household toxins.
Printable Materials & Infographics
- Printable Pet Safety Materials (for veterinary staff & pet owners)
- Room-by-Room Household Pet Poison Checklist
- Be Aware at the Barn
- Garage Hazards
- Kids and Pets
- Myths Debunked
- Cats and Lilies
- Cleaning Supplies
- Pet Safe Foods
- Horses
- Pet Safe Plants
- Many Hiding Places of Xylitol
- Household Dangers
- What to expect when calling the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center
- What to expect at the emergency veterinarian after a toxin exposure
- Top 10 deadliest pet poisons
- Don’t panic! Five items pet parents shouldn’t worry about
We have lots more on this subject:
Shelter Medicine
Toxicology & Poison Control
Job Aid Downloads