ASPCA Northern Tier Shelter Initiative (NTSI) Grants
Timeframe: Ongoing
The Northern Tier Shelter Initiative (NTSI) is an ASPCA program that provides grants, free consultations and training to brick-and-mortar shelters, non-profit veterinary clinics, and Indigenous communities in Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to improve the quality of life for cats and dogs.
In 2023, NTSI grant funding supports:
- Increased access to spay/neuter
- Improved shelter operations
- Increased access to veterinary care for Indigenous communities
- Keeping people and pets together
Examples of grant funding include but are not limited to:
- Veterinary equipment
- Salary support for new positions
- Animal housing
- Sanitation
- Shelter equipment
- Technology/software
- Subsidized veterinary services*
- Continuing education scholarships
*Subsidized veterinary services grants are only available for Northern Tier indigenous communities
In 2023, NTSI consultations include:
- Shelter medicine consultations** with a veterinarian from the ASPCA’s Shelter Medicine Services team
- Shelter operations consultations** with the NTSI team
** Consultation recommendations may be supported with NTSI grant funding.
Grant Amounts
Grants will generally range from $5,000 - $100,000
- Shelters will make every effort to adhere to the Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters
- Shelters will follow or be willing to implement a vaccinate on intake policy in adherence to the Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters
- Shelters will report monthly data to the ASPCA Northern Tier Shelter Initiative coalition in Shelter Animal Count
- An onsite visit to your facility by a NTSI team member may be required
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®) was founded on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment by humans. Acting effectively on that belief requires a commitment to fostering a collaborative and compassionate culture and to principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We welcome all voices to participate in our advancement of these values in the interest of working together to improve the lives of animals in need.
Grant applicants must meet ASPCA Grantee Organizational Standards:
- If a past ASPCA grant recipient, must be current on all reporting requirements
- If a nonprofit organization
- Must be an incorporated or organized legal entity in good standing with the Secretary of State in the state where the organization is incorporated or organized
- Must have a board of at least 4 members with a majority of independent members with neither board chair nor treasurer receiving compensation from the organization
- Charitable registration must be current/active in the state of the Grantee’s primary location (for grants >=$25,000)
Strong Proposals Should
- Clearly describe the problem/challenge you are aiming to solve
- Clearly and succinctly outline the program or project
- Quantify the expected impact
- Describe any expected barriers and how you plan to overcome them
- Declare how much this project will cost in total, how much is requested, and how the funds will be used
- Share how the work might continue beyond the grant term
Grant Review Timeline
Inquiries for 2023 grant funding will be accepted on a rolling basis, until Saturday, September 30th, at 5 p.m. ET or until all available funding is allotted, whichever comes first. Inquiries received after September 30th will be considered for 2024 funding. Grant seekers may be invited to complete a formal application as a next step.
Inquiries for consultations will be accepted ongoing.
A status update for all inquiries will be provided within 30 days of submission.
Download the complete requirements to apply.
- For program-related inquiries, please contact:
- For grant application submission inquiries/technical difficulties, please contact