2024 ASPCA National Shelter Grants Initiative
Timeframe: Closes Friday, October 25, 2024, at 8 p.m. ET
To support shelters in caring for cats, dogs and equines during these challenging times, the ASPCA is offering $3 million in grants to support U.S. shelters by funding programs that support:
- animal outcomes
- animal psychological health
- access to veterinary care
Grant Amounts
Individual grants will range from $20,000 to $95,000. The total funding available for this grant opportunity is up to $3 million.
Applicants must be a non-profit or municipal organization with a physical facility housing animals available for adoption. Applicants must meet ASPCA Grantee Organizational Standards:
- If a past ASPCA grant recipient, applicants must be current on all reporting requirements for such grant
- If a nonprofit organization, applicants must:
- Be an incorporated or organized legal entity in good standing with the Secretary of State in the state where the organization is incorporated or organized
- Have a board of directors consisting of at least 4 members with a majority of independent members and with neither board chair nor treasurer receiving compensation from the organization
- Have a current/active charitable registration in the state of the Grantee’s primary location (for grants >=$25,000)
Funding Restrictions and Parameters
Grant requests should be limited to 10% of your budget for the current fiscal year, except for equipment requests, which will be considered up to 40% of budget. The maximum grant amount shall not exceed $95,000.
Only one application per agency/organization will be accepted. Applicants may only choose one of the three funding categories.
Grant funds are available to support the following categories:
- animal outcomes
- animal psychological health
- access to veterinary care
Grant funds can be used to address the challenges referenced in the companion document applicable to the type of funding requested and other similar challenges.
Requests for new permanent staff will be considered; however, applicants are reminded that this is a one-time, non-renewable, one-year grant; any groups applying for new permanent staff will be asked to provide a detailed plan for sustainability beyond the grant term when submitting their application.
Grantees will be asked to submit a final report including follow-up data similar to the data requested in the application.
Companion Requirements Documents
Animal Outcomes Companion Document
Access to Veterinary Care Companion Document
Psychological Health Companion Document
Application Review Timeline
- Application period is closed
- Finalists will be notified via email on or around December 2, 2024.
- Grantees will be notified of final funding decisions on or before December 31, 2024.
How to Apply
Note: You must complete your application in one session as progress is not saved and submissions cannot be revised. Use the companion documents listed above to prepare.
For all inquiries, please contact grants@aspca.org.